Milestone 5: Fenway

Boston is not as much of a concrete jungle as other cities. It’s not as hard to find a nice park or open green space in this as one would think. Around the Fenway neighborhood there are a few close options for people who are looking to relax and enjoy the outdoors.

According to Amber Martel, a hostess at Cask ‘n Flagon in Fenway, the Charles River Esplanade along Storrow Drive is one of the closest accessible green spaces in the area.

As one of the most popular parks for locals, the Esplanade is well taken care of to provide a clean, safe space for the public.

“The Esplanade is a pretty well manicured green space, so I think it’s upkept pretty well,” said Martel. “It’s one of the better park areas in Boston that people go to the most.”

The Esplanade is one of Boston’s favorite destinations for dog-walking, jogging, cycling, or even just a scenic stroll. The Esplanade also has playgrounds for kids, fitness equipment and an open air performance stage called the Hatch Memorial Shell.

Walking around the Esplanade late at night should not be done alone, which is the case for most parks and outdoor spaces after dark.

But in Martel’s experience, she has never felt threatened or uncomfortable being out at the Esplanade after 10 p.m.

“The Esplanade that’s around the BU campus, I would definitely say is safe at night,” said Martel. “I would think that almost farther down it is too.”

Other parks nearby include the BU Beach and The Fens in Back Bay.

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