Times Video

As one of the world’s premier outlets for news distribution, the New York Times offers its readership several different ways to retrieve the news other than the traditional process of sifting through the print of a newspaper. As a high-quality, multi-dimensional journalism platform, the Times incorporates a range of diverse, interactive multimedia elements in its website to enhance its storytelling power. Times Video is an example of how the New York Times uses multimedia to go beyond the limits of a printed paper to share information. Times Video brings the contents of the Times to life by providing visual reporting on every area of the news, from national politics and conflicts abroad, to the latest scientific achievements and cultural trends.

Snapshot of Times Video's latest and most popular content taken from the New York Times website.

Snapshot of Times Video’s latest and most popular content taken from the New York Times website.

Times Video exposes the news in an artistic, professional and informative way that could not be achieved by other means. The Times captures stories that lend themselves to videography, such as sports events like a high-stakes bowling tournament as told in “The Greatest Bowling Story Ever Told,” an episode in a new curated series of short documentary films partially funded by Kickstarter. A variety of camera angles, action-shots, audio elements and interviews were combined to bring this story to life for the Times Video audience to relive a brief moment in history as it unfolded that night.

Snapshot of Times Video homepage taken from the New York Times website.

Times Video has channels and shows for every section of the newspaper, covering all major topics and areas of interest. Times Minute is one of the shows produced for the U.S. & Politics channel that aims to provide “the latest in national and international news, politics, ideas and culture delivered with smart analysis from Times reporters and editors – all in 60 seconds.” Another example of a Times Video show is TimesTalks, which features interviews with leaders in the arts, politics and fashion, is presented on the culture channel.

Screenshot of the drop-down menu listing the Times Video channels and series taken from the New York Times website.

Screenshot of the drop-down menu listing the Times Video channels and series taken from the New York Times website.

Snapshot of the Times Minute channel homepage taken from the New York Times website.

Screenshot of the Times Minute channel homepage taken from the New York Times website.

Snapshot of the Times Talks series taken from the New York Times website.

Screenshot of the Times Talks series taken from the New York Times website.

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